Sunday, April 8, 2018

2018 Hope for Heather Person of the Year: Ann Marie Bick

Ann Marie Bick & Scott Lombardo
The following is the introduction for the Person of the Year Award shared at the April 8, 2018, Hope for Heather Fashion Show. This year's recipient, Ann Marie Bick, was completely taken by surprise simply because of her humble heart!

There is a special place in the heart of Hope for Heather that shines thanks to our 2018 Person of the Year and their undeniable commitment to the mission.

Honoring this person goes far beyond sharing time, talent and treasure with Hope for Heather – it’s how she lives life. It’s how she loves hard. It’s how she leads with passion. It’s how she takes on a fight with a force like we’ve never seen before.

In a perfect world, we would all be more like our Person of the Year. We would all be self-less, caring, kind, genuine in heart, intelligent and creative…graceful and glamorous…witty and wonderful. We would carry ALL those qualities and still manage to amaze our family and friends with our charisma.

That would be the perfect world, but we don’t like in a place like that. We live in a world that has immense flaws and foes. We’re all here today because we have been touched by cancer in some way…ovarian and otherwise.

In our imperfect world, our Person of the Year continues to go to battle. She fights and she fights. She is a warrior.

We’re proud to honor her, but not just because she’s a cancer survivor. We honor her because she exudes what it means to “live true to yourself,” and true to heart.

We all know and love Central New York for being a generous place. If all of us carried on like her, our community would be even more special than we already know it to be.

Celebrating our 2018 Hope for Heather Person of the Year is a moment we know we will cherish now and forever. I am sure we can all agree this year’s event already feels exceptional and more stylish because we have her in our presence. Last year just wasn’t the same. I know we all missed her.

Who better to introduce you to her than a group of some of her closest friends in a video created by Solon Quinn Studios.

Please join me in watching a tribute to our beloved 2018 Hope for Heather Person of the Year... Ann Marie Bick.