Thursday, June 20, 2013

Don't you dare 'Miss Represent' me

Almost a year ago, I joined the pledge to represent women and girls. With this movement, I was encouraged to represent the change I would like to see in the treatment of women and girls and how we’re regarded by society ― but most importantly, how we’re regarded by the media.

As a member of the media, I have taken it upon myself to fully represent women in a positive light because it shouldn't be any other way. It’s 2013 for God’s sake!

If you are serious about this international movement too, I highly suggest that you watch the documentary film, “Miss Representation,” because it will shock you, change you, teach you and inspire you. I have watched the film three times now and every time I take away something new. 

And although I get a little angrier at the negativity opposing women and the over-sexualization of women in our society ― it only motivates me to further my personal mission.

I take action daily by making simple choices on how I carry myself and how I represent women, no matter the occasion. This movement starts with me and it starts with every girl and woman in every country. If it’s a woman facing domestic abuse, sexual harassment in the workplace or a woman facing physical mutilation simply because she is a woman…it is all about how we come together and stand up for ourselves.

I have heard about and read too many stories about women being killed for sticking up for their natural human rights, not their gender, but their human rights!

For now, I ask you (women and men) to be conscious of your everyday decisions and actions. Women: Be conscious of your appearance and mannerisms, how do you want to be regarded? Men: Think about thoughts, comments or views you might have about women in general ― are they right or are they wrong?

I have stopped hoping and have started knowing that someday, sooner than later, we will live in a  world where a woman can hold any professional position without it being “the first” anymore and a world where scantily clad women are not shown running around on TV ads to sell products ranging from beer to potato chips to cars and men’s cologne.

You also can join the conversation on Twitter, just like I have. Take action daily and tweet with the hash tag: #MissRep. Follow the official Twitter handle for the documentary and the pledge at @RepresentPledge.

Until my next post, be beautiful and genuine ― in other words, be you!

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