Thursday, June 27, 2013

Turning Philly TEAL this November

Since I became a runner almost 20 years ago, I have run many races including parochial and public school x-country and track races, and also some collegiate ones. And I have run numerous road races ranging from the distance of a 5K to a full marathon.

Each one has a memory. Each one has a “story” whether it’s about the weather, being sick, running with an injury or how awesome it was when I out-kicked someone after battling for a 3200-meter victory on the track.

Now, I am past the grade school, high school and brief collegiate racing days, and I have found that marathon running has brought me the most joy. Having mentioned that each race has a story ― you better believe that each marathon has a story ― a very, very long story! However, it’s that long story and those hours of running that have meant the most to me. I am out there against the elements, whatever they may be that day, but most importantly I am out there battling my own mental and physical strength.

In my very first blog post, I discussed my passion for helping spread ovarian cancer awareness. My drive and commitment for this awareness mission is only growing. Hope For Heather Ovarian Cancer Awareness of CNY asked me to be their media spokeswoman this past April and since then, it has been an honor to carry out this mission. I wore the ovarian cancer awareness color, teal, during my first Marathon Mission that I led to San Diego. That marathon was my third full marathon overall, but it was my first marathon where I had a cause wrapped around my heart.
After crossing the line in San Diego, I knew that my next marathon would also need to be TEAL because the awareness is only beginning and the research is still underway. My next TEAL Marathon Mission will take place in Philadelphia this November.

In Philly, I will carry out my mission and work so that more women are aware, conversations with doctors are happening and that research is properly funded. Recently, I spoke to the Hope For Heather executive director, Frieda Weeks, and we decided that as a group we can complete this mission. We will help more women know the symptoms of ovarian cancer. We will spread educational material so that women are aware of testing they can request. And someday, we will find a cure and have a prevention tool for this “silent killer” of a disease. While running a marathon has its painful moments, it’s nothing like knowing that women are going up against chemotherapy, radiation and more…and they’re beating it.

That’s why I am starting my Philly TEAL Marathon Mission now… Because every woman’s life saved is another grandmother, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, niece or friend that is given the opportunity to embrace every day with her loved ones.

You can join this mission by sponsoring this next marathon in support of the cause or in honor of a survivor or an angel. No matter what, you are making a difference.

Until my next post, be beautiful and genuine ― in other words, be you! 

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