Monday, June 17, 2013

The first day: Far, far away... By Farah

Photo: Cindy Bell/Styling: Antonietta Moritz
For my first post on my new blog, "Far, far away... By Farah" ― I want to share some thoughts about my most recent Marathon Mission experience ― the Rock 'N' Roll San Diego Marathon on June 2.

As you follow my blog and read along, you will notice that there will be writing many posts about running, but especially marathon running. I have developed a great respect for the distance (26.2 miles) through the training it requires. Also, the post-race feelings of accomplishment and euphoria have become two of my favorite things in the world.

During this quest to improve upon my two previous marathon times: Chicago 2011 - 3:51:40 and Chicago 2012 - 3:44:04; I had an added mission for this race. (I will get into those two other marathon experiences on another day.)

I was delighted by the community’s support. I ended up completing the San Diego Marathon (26.2 miles of hilly passion!) with a new personal best (3:33:33) and I reached a fundraising total of more than the original goal! Every time my legs wanted me to quit — I thought of all the sponsors, the survivors and the angels, in which I was running for.

Along the course, I was handing out some teal ribbons and awareness cards. Plus, some runners around me asked about the messages on my race bibs and my race top. I felt honored to share my knowledge on the disease so that others became aware. What you can cover in conversation over 26.2 miles will amaze any non-runner.

Channeling the strength of a woman who was fighting many rounds of chemotherapy made the long climb on some of those California hills seem like nothing compared to her battle. And it was nothing, my pain was fleeting and her strength is unending. I crossed the line with so much hope, pride and passion.

My next Marathon Mission will take place on Nov. 17 at the Philadelphia Marathon, where I will be spreading awareness, raising funds and turning Philly a bright shade of TEAL for ovarian cancer awareness!

Until my next post, be beautiful and genuine ― in other words, be you!

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration as you run from the inspiration of others. May the angels carry you on their wings for each and every race that you participate in. You are an angel....
